My Top 10 tips for Stress-Free Travel
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So far Livia Mercer has created 12 blog entries.

10 Annoying Things Travelers Get Ripped Off On

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10 Annoying Things Travelers Get Ripped Off On - AsĀ  Travelers we sometimes feel like we are nothing more than walking, talking ATMs. It seems like when you are on holidays, everyone has their hand out, just looking for that [...]

My Tips & Tricks to Book Cheap Flights

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My Tips & Tricks to Book Cheap Flights - This is not new information, you can pretty much find the same advice on any travel bloggers site. The truth is there are no secrets for cheap flights unless you work [...]

7 Worst “Packing Tips” of All Time

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7 Worst Packing Tips or Hacks of All Time Have you searched online for travel tips lately? As a seasoned traveler I have learned a few tips myself but I'm always on the lookout for more efficient, more clever ways [...]

How to Survive Toilets – 10 Essential Tips for Female Travelers

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How to Survive TOILETS - 10 Essential Tips for Female Travelers! Disgusting, smelly, dirty Toilets are just a part of a travelers life. It's one of those things that we all have to deal with but nobody wants to talk [...]

How We Got a Private Tour of Alcatraz

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How We Got a Private Tour of Alcatraz We were planning our trip to San Francisco and as all tourists I went on line to get tickets to Alcatraz. NO GO! Sold out for 2 months. Granted it was July [...]

Kep – Cambodia

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Kep - Cambodia Unless you LOVE to eat Crabs, don't bother coming to Kep in Cambodia! There's not much to do here. However if you love Crabs, I can without a doubt tell you that you will Never have better [...]

Have You Eaten Bugs Yet?

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Have You Eaten Bugs Yet? We are a pretty adventurous couple when it comes to food and we will try most things. We have a motto "try anything twice" in case it was not prepared well the first time. Not [...]

7 Reasons Travel Can Change Your Life

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7 Reasons Travel Can Change Your Life When we meet other travelers, usually the ones who have saved up all year for their two week vacation, after they get over the initial shock that we travel full time, the next [...]

The Stinking Rose – San Francisco

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The Stinking Rose - San Francisco We have heard about this restaurant a few years ago from a friend that went to San Francisco. It sounded amazing as we both love, love, love garlic. We were not disappointed. Right from [...]

10 Tips – How to Eat Street Food Without Dying!

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10 Tips - How to eat street food without dying! As a long time traveler I think I have eaten just about to everything from a street vendor. As this is what the locals eat it's cheap, quick and tasty. [...]

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