Have You Eaten Bugs Yet?

We are a pretty adventurous couple when it comes to food and we will try most things. We have a motto “try anything twice” in case it was not prepared well the first time.

Not many foods scare us, however there were just a couple that even we drew the line at. We didn’t eat Dolphin in Macau as we love them too much and we chose to not eat Dog in Vietnam as it looked really angry. We won’t eat any foods with blood as an ingredient or drink it. But other than that we will pretty much try anything else.

With that said Asia is the perfect destination for some of our most exotic meals.

Enjoying a variety of Snails from a roadside vendor in Hue, Vietnam

Snails in Hue

Vietnamese Pancakes – Flame Grilled in Saigon, Vietnam
Frog Porridge in Saigon and Roasted Pigeon in Hanoi, Vietnam
Frog And Pidgeon


And Deep Fried Bugs in Phuket Thailand
Bugs in Thailand

These are just some of our Food adventures, no doubt the list will keep growing!

Share with us some of your Weird and Wonderful Food finds, even if it is just Deep Fried Bugs!

Happy & Safe Travels!




