How to Survive TOILETS – 10 Essential Tips for Female Travelers!

Disgusting, smelly, dirty Toilets are just a part of a travelers life. It’s one of those things that we all have to deal with but nobody wants to talk about.

It’s a fact of life and when nature calls you just have to go even if the situation is not ideal. If we all help each other, share our survival tips, we can make it a bearable experience.

1: Mentally Prepare Yourself
Let’s face it, we all want comfort, privacy and hygiene when nature calls. However when you are traveling this is impossible to find in many places. Not all cultures value these things as much as we do in the west or it’s just not available in the tourist destinations we happen to be in. When you travel you will, without a doubt encounter awkward, undesired situations so its best that you prepare yourself for these before they happen. I hope that these tips I have learned from many toilet situations will help you do that 🙂

2: Keep Spare Change With You
In most public/tourist places I’m prepared to pay for the privilege of using a disgusting toilet. It’s usually not a big amount of money but it still irritates me that I’m paying for a basic human necessity situation and they can’t even keep the toilets clean. So I always keep a small change purse on me with coins in it. This way I can reach it quickly in an emergency situation (I’ve had a few of those) and you don’t have to get your wallet out.  Easy pick-pocket situations.

3: Have Toilet Paper Handy
ALWAYS, Always, Always carry your own toilet paper or pocket tissues. Even in paid toilets the chances are they won’t have paper or they give you 2 squares of the flimsiest paper that will disintegrate in your hands. I have a half used toilet paper roll, with the inner cardboard removed, in every bag of mine. I have also used moistened flushable wipes in travel packs but these are a luxury.

4: Sanitary Hand Wipes
Most toilets that are disgusting will also have disgusting or non-working basins to wash your hands or won’t have any soap. There have been times when I looked at the basin and though ‘I’m not touching that’. So I always carry sanitary wipes. I prefer these to the gels as you can wipe your hands with them not just kill germs.

5: Take  a Picture of a Toilet on Your Phone
If you are going to a country where you don’t speak the language, this tip has saved me many times. Show the picture to anyone and they will point you in the right direction quickly. In general we use pictures to communicate a lot and it saves a lot of misunderstandings and speeds up the process to get what you need.

6: Pack a Scarf
Sometimes you need to create your own privacy. I have been in toilets in China where the cubicles were only waist high without doors or you might need to go outdoors.  Make sure you are prepared and have a large scarf that is not see-through and you can wrap over yourself or the doorway to create a privacy shield for yourself.

7: When the Opportunity is There – GO!
I have learned never to pass up an opportunity to use a toilet while it is there. You never know when the next chance will present itself. Even if you think you don’t need to go presently – just Go!

8: Hotel/ Shopping Mall/ Museum/Coffee Shop Toilets
These are the travelers toilet saviors. Hotels and Museums are by far the cleanest toilets and will most likely have paper. Just walk through the foyer as if you knew exactly where you are heading and keep your eye out for the toilet signs. Most hotels have public toilets near the check in counters and Museums on the ground floor. Shopping malls are a bit of a hit-and-miss but for the most part free. Coffee shops are  great stop to have a break, have a drink, and use the toilet. Make sure you hang on to the receipt as some of them have a code on them that will open the toilet door. Don’t be afraid to ask if they have a toilet for customers before you order. We usually have two questions – wifi and toilet?

9: Carry Cough Drops/Mint Candy in Your Bag
Many a toilet has made me gag from the disgusting stale urine/feces smell. So I’ve learned to pop one of my mint candies in my mouth before entering the public toilets. (Fishermen’s Friend works the best) It will not mask all the smells but it will allow you to stay in there as long as you must without gagging.

10: Secure Your Loose Items.
Nothing is worse than dropping your phone or sunglasses in a public toilet so make sure all loose items are securely tucked into your bag. I also have a plastic shopping bag in the bottom of my bag in case there are no hooks to hang my bag on and I need to put it down on the floor. Then I just throw the plastic bag out.

I hope my experiences have helped you cope with the less than desirable Toilet situations you will encounter on your travels. If you have any other suggestions that us Ladies can use to make the experience more bearable, please share it with us!

Safe & Happy Travels!





