Kep – Cambodia

Unless you LOVE to eat Crabs, don’t bother coming to Kep in Cambodia! There’s not much to do here.


However if you love Crabs, I can without a doubt tell you that you will Never have better ones than in Kep!!!
Hands down, the best we ever had And prepared in all styles.

Journey to Kep
First of all, it took us 13 hours to get here from Siam Reap.  A 10 hour bus ride to Phnom Penh – where we thought for sure we were going to die a few times – followed by a 2 hour trip in a minivan to Kampot, then a 1 hour ride in a TukTuk to Kep in torrential pouring rain. So needless to say we were ready for a soft bed and a hot shower when we got to our accommodation in Kep.  (See the Review Here.)

The next day however all our dreams came true.  We were in Crab heaven!
We walked down to the waterfront Crab Markets but we were too late to buy the fresh crabs so after walking around for a while, having a look through the dozen or so crab shacks, we made our choice.

CrabShacks, Kep
We selected one and went in to enjoy our first of many Crab meals.It really doesn’t matter which crab shack you choose, they are all pretty much the same, same dishes, very similar prices too so we just picked the ones we liked the view from. We ate at a few different ones through our stay in Kep and they were all good.

I wish I could share with you how delicious they were but unfortunately pictures will have to suffice.

Crab Kep Style
The next day we got to the markets and that’s when the fun started.

The Crab Markets

You have to get your hand in there and look like you know what you’re looking for. Haha, I didn’t!

Crabs in Kep

Once you have settled on your price another person will take them from you, kill them humanely and boil them right there. You can go and buy sauces to have with your crab, which we did, but it was a total waste.  The Crabs were so delicious, tender and sweet that we didn’t use the sauce at all.

We thoroughly enjoyed our culinary adventures in Kep, Cambodia and would happily go back to enjoy some more of the delicious Crab. But if you are not as passionate as we are about Crabs, I would advise going somewhere else.

Crab Markets in Kep

Happy & Safe Travels


